Aviary Bintaro Launched Aviary Clean And Care


Medha.id. Due to the pandemic coronavirus disease (covid-19) which infected more than 100.000 people in more than 60 countries around the world, it is important for each other to maintain healthy and cleanliness. In addition to maintain personal hygiene and cleanliness at your home, Aviary Bintaro launched Aviary Clean and Care to show that everybody should be live in safety and healty.

We provide complete sanitation, general detailing and cleaning packages for residences, offices, restaurants, schools, houses of worship, playground and others. We offered 4 (four) sanitation packages starts from Complete Sanitation and General Cleaning only Rp 20.000 per square meters. General Cleaning only Rp 15.000 per square meters. Basic Saniation only Rp 5.000 per square meters and we have special price from 3 (three) times visit only Rp 600.000.

As part of our continous support to help some areas with densely populated around Bintaro and to avoid spread of the covid-19, we do the sanitation to Nurul Fajri Mosque, Tangerang Selatan. We also remind to the community how the importance things of cleanliness could be done together.

Aviary Bintaro offers a unique range of experiences for those who constantly find themselves on the move. Each detail sets the tone for modern living, delivering thoughtful design reflected through iconic architecture, a deep consideration of nature and the environment, and relaxing comfort. Nestled in Bintaro – Tangerang Selatan, a lush and bustling upcoming area, Aviary Bintaro is constructed to set new standards in green hospitality with fun, personality and social living. Introduced by PT. Sumampau Hotels and Resorts, it offers 125 rooms and serviced apartments, nine high-ceiling function rooms, and a stylish restaurant offering the best of Western and Indonesia street cuisines. Aviary Bintaro provides guests with an opportunity to find harmony in the hustle and bustle of city life, to immerse themselves in the comfort of vibrant cuisine, hand-selected art and design, efficient working spaces, and eco-friendly architecture


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