5 Tips to Using a Foam Surfboard


Medha.id. Taking up surfing as a career or a hobby is a move that requires gut-wrenching hard work to transition from beginner to expert over time. Growing from a full-time catching and riding prone beginner surfer to the legend who duck dives and seamlessly enjoys the turtle roll is a journey that can only be met by pledging some fanatical loyalty to regular practice. Nevertheless, in unfolding paragraphs, we are not going to address the gulf between starters and pundit surfers. We will instead focus on one leveraging the surfing tools, which is the foam surfboard. Lets talk about 5 Tips to using a foam surfboard

  1. Is a foam surfboard right for me?
    As a beginner or expert surfer, you might have perhaps invented your mental yardstick and scaled your expectations of what owning a foam surfboard entails. Thus, despite adding one to your collection or considering it as your first surfboard, you might be unsure whether you made the right choice or not.

Once upon a time, soft foam boards were a quick identifier of surfers whose progress in the game was vastly inferior. Showing up with one at the beach was an indication that you were still learning the ropes of surfing. However, times have changed; everyone can today surf a foam board without meeting those levels of gazes that seem disapproving. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or an expert, considering a foam surfboard will bring more fun to your surfing experience.

  1. Tips for using a foam surfboard as a beginner surfer

Breath and own the game
Being a newbie with a foam surfboard fresh from the store can be extremely intimidating, especially if you have doubts about whether you belong to the waters. The waves, crowds, adrenaline rush, and your excitement can be typically challenging to tackle. Notably, every surfer had a beginning, and you can only get better at the sport by accepting that progress is achieved through making mistakes and learning from them as you have fun.

Riding your first waves
● Spend quite some time in the Whitewater. This will not only help you catch and ride prone to master how a wave breaks but also assist in getting used to your foam surfboard.

  • Once you are comfortable resting on the board and getting the board going towards the shore; it is time to enhance your paddling techniques. This entails lying at the right spot on your foam board (with the nose of the board a few inches above the water). Ensuring your weight is at the bottom of your rib cage, with your feet together, and lifted out of the water. You then paddle with your arms in the water. Reaching them fully out towards the nose of the foam board and bringing them down throws the water.

Standing up in the Whitewater
Still, standing in the Whitewater is an excellent way to get started standing up as you surf. It is simple but requires a little bit of practice to master. You need to catch a wall of Whitewater and get on your feet as soon as your foam board stabilizes and glides in front of the Whitewater.

Upon gaining comfort standing in the Whitewater, you can graduate to the unbroken waves.

  1. Tips for using a foam surfboard as an intermediate surfer

Set a decent threshold upon which to measure your improvement
Correctly reading a wave and having full control over your speed, pumping up and down the wave, and great bottom turns are just a few maneuvers on a foam board that you get comfortable with as an intermediate surfer. However, you could end up ingraining some poor surfing techniques that will put your foam board to average use without proper performance monitoring mechanisms.

Consequently, investing in a proper performance monitoring mechanism, such as getting someone to film you, will help exploit as much as possible in areas that suffer an intricate mixture of order and disorder.

  1. Tips for using a foam surfboard as an advanced surfer

Focus on one surfing goal and work on it
Being an expert in a given field is all about identifying challenges associated with the said field and solving them. Therefore, once you are comfortable with doing most maneuvers on your foam board the right way, transition to perfecting your performance to exceptional levels by focusing on imperfect areas and streamlining them.

5. Take care of your foam surfboard
A good foam surfboard can cost anything between $300 and $1000 or more. After making such a massive investment, you deserve prolonged years of service, which can only be achieved by treating your foam board correctly


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