Of the 10 key sectors under the Amazing Thailand SHA, hotels/accommodation and convention centres are the leading ones to date, with 2,997 establishments having officially received Amazing Thailand SHA certification.
Restaurants/food outlets are second with 2,156 establishments having been officially Amazing Thailand SHA certified.
For the travel agent/tour operator sector, Amazing Thailand SHA certificates have been given to 870 business and entrepreneurs.
The tourist transport vehicle sector is in fourth place with 498 outlets having received Amazing Thailand SHA certification.
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This is followed by recreation and tourist attractions (399), health and beauty parlours (396), souvenir shops and other stores (308), department stores and shopping centres (184), theatres/cinemas (104), and sports venues for tourism (74).
Before being certified and allowed to display the Amazing Thailand SHA logo, all establishments must undergo strict audits by the specially appointed committee comprising various boards, federations and associations in the tourism industry. This includes inspecting the checklist and certifying the result of improving a workplace according to the SHA standard of hygiene, health and cleanliness for the entire premises, equipment, and operational staff.