Zepp To Debut and Wow Consumers Worldwide at CES 2021


Dedicated to helping people enjoy a fulfilling life
Zepp researches all aspects of health, and in November 2020 Zepp co-released the Global Sleep Study, with the World Sleep Society. The study addressed concerns that COVID-19 lockdowns were changing people’s sleeping patterns. Respondents to the Global Sleep Study reported they were losing sleep due to pandemic-induced worries and were eager to improve their sleep quality. Zepp’s products and programs help users track their sleep and embark on a journey towards healthier sleep. Many of the study’s respondents agreed that listening to calming music can help with sleep so Zepp now gives users an option to create a personalized lullaby for enhanced sleep.

As well as looking after physical health, Zepp also cares for people’s mental well-being and happiness. To bring a smiles to faces and remind everyone of the importance of human connection, Zepp launched its first reality web film called ‘Measurements of Attraction’ in December 2020. The video shows that wearables may be useful in the search for love, by detecting true feelings and “chemistry” through changes in heart rates, even when dating virtually. For now, a smartwatch cannot help romantic relationship choices, but it’s clear paying attention to heart health puts people in control of their relationship with their changing environments. Empowered by Zepp, people can improve both mental and physical well-being.

Premium health management with the Zepp E Series and Zepp Z smartwatches
To date, Zepp has unveiled the Zepp E and Zepp Z smartwatches, plus the Zepp app, a mobile application for digital health management, available for iOS and Android operating systems.


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